Journeys Around The World / Land & Cruise Specialists
"Your Trip Means the World to Us!"
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Make a Difference during Your Next Vacation!


Sometimes we feel that we are 'just one person' when looking at the enormous need in the world today.  Yet one person alone CAN make a big difference to a child, a single parent, a community, a village and more.

Journeys Around the World has partnered with several reputable organizations who welcome volunteers who enjoy activities that better the lives of others. 



All skill and experience levels are encouraged.  Your two hands may be needed to help build a new clinic or to read to school children in English; to improve a community's drinking water supply or to bring supplies to a place of worship.

If you have even a few days during your vacation and wish to assist others in helping them improve their lives and the health and education of their children, then consider a Volunteer Vacation.

Make a difference to someone during your next vacation opportunity.


Contact Journeys Around the World at 1.877.452.8708 or email .