Journeys Around The World / Land & Cruise Specialists
"Your Trip Means the World to Us!"
Phone: (503) 620-8700 or (888) 620-8710 | Email:

Hiking, Biking & Walking Tours

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Women-Only Groups



 View image detail USA

             New Zealand

                  View image detail Trekking in Bhutan, Tibet & Nepal

and So Many Other Locations!

Solo?  With Family?  Or with a small group of long-time or newly-met friends?

Let us know your interests, preferences, and athletic level in order to recommended exactly the kind of trip you have in mind.  We're here to help!

Contact journeys around the world at 1.877.452.8708 or email .

Where & When?

Where will your feet take you next?

Hiking landmark trails such as the Appalacian Mountain or Pacific Coast Trails in the USA to New Zealand's Milford Trek...

Bicycling from village to village in Europe...

Walking through the gently rolling countryside of England's famed Cotswolds...


Journeys Around the World can arrange a hiking, biking, walking, trekking, or climbing tour for you to enjoy solo, with a few adventurous friends or with a like-minded small group just about anywhere you like!


Contact Journeys Around the World at 1.877.452.8708 or email .